
Link til publikasjoner: personkort UiT og forskerprofil i Cristin.




  • Hansen, Ketil Lenert. Educational Policy and Boarding Schools for Indigenous Sami Children in Norway from 1700 to the Present. (fulltekst) Routledge 2018 ISBN 9781138294226.s 188 – 204.


  • Sørlie, Tore; Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Friborg, Oddgeir. Do Norwegian Sami and non-indigenous individuals understand questions about mental health similarly? A SAMINOR 2 study. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2018; Volum 77. ISSN 1239-9736.s doi: 10.1080/22423982.2018.1481325.


  • Chatwood, Susan; Paulette, Francois; Baker, Greg; Eriksen, Astrid M.A.; Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Eriksen, Heidi; Hiratsuka, Vanessa; Lavoie, Josée Gabrielle; Lou, Wendy; Mauro, Ian; Orbinski, James; Pambrun, Nathalie; Retallack, Hanna; Brown, Adalsteinn. Indigenous Values and Health Systems Stewardship in Circumpolar Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017; Volum 14 (12). ISSN 1660-4601.s 1 – 20.s doi: 10.3390/ijerph14121462.


  • Friborg, Oddgeir; Sørlie, Tore; Hansen, Ketil Lenert. Resilience to Discrimination Among Indigenous Sami and Non-Sami Populations in Norway: The SAMINOR2 Study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 2017; Volum 48 (7). ISSN 0022-0221.s 1009 – 1027.s doi: 10.1177/0022022117719159


  • Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Minton, Stephen; Friborg, Oddgeir; Sørlie, Tore. Discrimination amongst Arctic Indigenous Sami and Non-Sami Populations in Norway – The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Study. (fulltekst) Journal of Northern Studies 2017; Volum 10 (2). ISSN 1654-5915.s 45 – 84.


  • Hansen, Ketil Lenert. Selvrapportert diskriminering av samer i Norge i rapporten Samiske tall forteller 9 : kommentert samisk statistikk 2016 = Sámi logut muitalit 9 : cielggaduvvon sámi statistihkka utg. 1/2016. 2016 ISBN 978-82-7367-043-4.


  • Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Høgmo, Asle magnus; Lund, Eiliv. Value Patterns in Four Dimensions among the Indigenous Sami Population in Norway. A population-based survey. Journal of Northern Studies 2016; Volum 10 (1). ISSN 1654-5915.s 39 – 67.










  • M. Brustad M,K. L. Hansen, A. R. Broderstad, S. Hansen and M. Melhus. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, February 2014.


  • Access to Health Services for Indigenous People living in the Arctic Region, K.L. Hansen. UN report, The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, New York. Accepted for publication, 2014.


  • Ethnic discrimination and health: The association between experience of ethnic discrimination and multiple health domains –among rural indigenous Sami in Norway, K. L. Hansen.


  •  A description of Indigenous values underlying health systems stewardship in circumpolar regions using a mixed methods approach. Medforfatter sammen med flere andre. Submitted 20. november 2013: Health Policy and Planning.










  • Ketil Lenert Hansen: Indigenous health and wellbeing. Circumpolar Health Supplements 2010;Volum 7 (51 pages) – International Union of Circumpolar Health, Canada. (ISSN 1797-2361) (Bok kapittel)