FiSk/FiNo meeting
FiNo, Fonologi i Norden (Phonology in the Nordic Countries), started out under the name FiSk, Fonologi i Skandinavia, and is intended as the annual meeting of scholars and students in the north interested in phonology to present their work (in progress) and talk to each other.
The first meeting was held on February 19-20 in Gothenburg, Sweden, organized by Laura Downing (Gothenburg/Tromsø) and Martin Krämer (Tromsø) with contributions from Bodø, Gothenburg, Helsinki, Kristiansand, Lund, Oslo, Stockholm, and Edinburgh.
The second meeting will be organized by Patrik Bye (Nord Universitet) and Allison Wetterlin (Universitetet i Agder) in Kristiansand on 24 and 25 February 2017.
Here is the program of the First meeting.