
‘Laryngeal Features and Sonorants.’ Keynote at WECOL 2024, Western Conference on Linguistics, California State University Fresno, 16-17 November 2024.

‘Phonology on the edge: What ever happened to all the boundary signals?’ Talk at the workshop on Phonological Domains and what conditions them, University of California Berkeley, 13 & 14 September 2024.

‘Sonority, Markedness and the OCP.’ Invited talk at the Phorum, University of California Berkeley, 12 September 2024.

‘The Emergence of the (Un)Marked in Word (De)formation.’ Keynote at NowPhoMo workshop, Universitat de Barcelona and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 25 & 26 January 2024.

‘Secondary stress and intensity in Latvian.’ Talk at the International Scientific Conference “ENDZELĪNS. LANGUAGE. TIME” to commemorate the 150th anniversary of academician Jānis Endzelīns, Rīga, February 22–23, 2023.

‘Local Optima and Segment Sequencing in Syllables.’ Talk at FiNo 2023 (Phonology in the Nordic Countries), Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania, 19-20 January.

‘A typology of syllabic consonants and its implications for our understanding of syllable phonotactics.’ Invited talk at IGRA, Leipzig, 26 January 2022.

‘Does sonority have a phonological basis?’ Invited talk at SRPP (Colloquium of the Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie), Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 21 January 2022.

‘Russian sonority reversals. Do they really exist?’ Ekaterina Zhakun & MK. Talk at WECOL 2021, Fresno, CA, 13-14 November 2021.

‘The interaction of tone, weight, and stress in Latvian.’ Talk at NELS 52, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 29-31 October  2021.

‘Degenerate syllables and excrescent vowels. Evidence from Yuman.’ Talk at Epenthesis and Beyond Workshop at Stony Brook University 17-19 September 2021.

‘Word-initial sibilants and prenuclear syllable structure.’ Invited talk at Phonology Forum 2021, the annual meeting of the Phonological Society of Japan, 23-25 August 2021.

‘Phrasal vowel harmony: The view from Africa.’ Talk with Laura Downing at ACAL 51-52, University of Florida, 8-10 April 2021.

‘Appendicitis and other inflammatory diseases at the left syllable margin.’ Invited talk at CSU Fresno Linguistics Colloquium, 11 March 2021.

‘In the grey zone of the sonority hierarchy.’ Talk given to the Leiden University Language and Cognition Group; 17 September 2020.

‘The internal structure of diphthongs: Prominence and sonority in the nucleus.’ Poster with Chris Golston at AMP the Annual Meeting on Phonology 2019, Stony Brook University, 11-13 October 2019.

‘The gradient categorical vocalic behaviour of syllabic consonants.’ Poster with Draga Zec at AMP 2019, Stony Brook University, 11-13 October 2019.

‘The hybrid pitch accent-tone-stress system of Latvian.’ Poster at AMP 2019, Stony Brook University, 11-13 October 2019.

‘Yokuts lexically specific phonology in Direct OT.’ Talk with Chris Golston and Peter Guekguezian at the 27th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, 23-25 May 2019.

‘The variable vocalic nature of syllabic consonants.’ Poster with Draga Zec at the 27th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, 23-25 May 2019.

‘Sonority and prominence in diphthongs.’ Talk with Chris Golston at FiNo 2019, Edinburgh, 22-23 February 2019.

‘Interacting sonority hierarchies.’ Key note at OCP16, Verona, 16-18 January 2019.

‘The phonetics and phonology of word stress in Latvian.’ At Baltic Linguistics: New perspectives and methods; UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 21-22 November 2018.

‘Acquisition of syllable structure in Latvian: an experimental investigation.’ Olga Urek & Martin Krämer. At Baltic Linguistics: New perspectives and methods; UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 21-22 November 2018.

‘Testing suprasegmental complexity in preschool children acquiring Latvian.’ Olga Urek & Martin Krämer. At ACQVA Retreat;  NTNU, Trondheim, 17-19 October 2018.

‘Yokuts templates are not emergent.’ With Chris Golston. Poster presented at Annual Meeting on Phonology, San Diego, CA, 05-07 October 2018.

‘Appendices, complex onsets, and sonority in the acquisition of Latvian.’ Olga Urek & Martin Krämer. An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Syllable Structure and Sonority; UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 11-12 May 2018.

‘Syllable Structure – Acquisition, Loss, Typology.’ Martin Krämer, Olga Urek, Kate Zhakun. An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Syllable Structure and Sonority; UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 11-12 May 2018.

‘Variable stress in Russian truncated adjectives.’ Kate Fedorova & Martin Krämer Poster presented at Fonologi i Norden, Lund, Sweden, 09-10 February 2018.

‘Formal properties of stringent constraint systems.’ Poster with Nazarré Merchant at the 25th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 25-27 May 2017.

‘Think positive: Manners at the interface to suprasegmental phonology.’ Talk with Draga Zec at the GLOW satellite workshop ‘The Interface within’, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, 13 March 2017.

‘Kinande phrasal harmony as word boundary demolition.’ Talk with Laura Downing at Fonologi i Norden, Kristiansand, 24-25 February 2017.

‘Coda typology, the sonority myth, and positive markedness.’ Talk with Draga Zec at OCP 14, Düsseldorf, 20-22 February 2017.

‘Kinande phrasal harmony — gradient phonetic anticipation or phonological domino?’ Talk with Laura Downing at OCP 14, Düsseldorf, 20-22 February 2017.

‘The perceptual representation of place and voice in Russian. Evidence from eye-tracking.’ Poster with Natalia Mitrofanova at LabPhon15, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 13-16 July 2016.

‘A typology of bad manners in the coda.’ Talk co-authored with Draga Zec at the 2nd Workshop on the Formal Structure of OT Typologies, University of Verona, 23-24 June 2016.

‘Deconstructing [continuant] in the coda. A typological survey.’ Poster with Draga Zec at the 24th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 26-28 May 2016.

‘The distribution and representation of Latvian syllable intonations.’ Talk at FiSk 1, Gothenburg, 19-20 February 2016.

‘Relativized Sonority: Nasal adaptivity in syllable phonotactics.’ Talk with Draga Zec at the CUNY Phonology Forum on Sonority, CUNY Graduate Center, New York City, 14-15 January, 2016.

‘The hybrid pitch accent-tone-stress system of Latvian.’ Talk at Università degli Studi di Verona, 18 December 2015.

‘Phonological representations in the mental lexicon of Russian children.’ Talk with Natalia Mitrofanova at SISSA, Trieste, 10 December 2015.

‘Alignment and locality in the typology of language games.’ Talk with Barbara Vogt at SinFonIJA 8, Ljubljana, 24-26 September 2015.

‘The connection between metaphony and unstressed vowel reduction in Italian dialects.’ Talk at SinFonIJA 8, Ljubljana, 24-26 September 2015.

‘Latviešu valodas apguves testu fonoloģiskā bāze’ [The Phonological basis of Latvian language acquisition tests] Talk with Solveiga Čeirane, Dace Markus, and Olga Urek, at Letonikas 6. kongress, Riga, 10-11 September 2015.

‘How Lexicon and Phonology change in Interaction.’ Talk at the workshop Historical Phonology and Phonological Theory at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea, Leiden, 02-05 September 2015.

‘The mysterious double-life of nasals in syllable phonotactics and the sonority hierarchy.’ Talk with Draga Zec at the 23rd Manchester Phonology Meeting, 28-30 May 2015.

‘Anchoring and Alignment in Syllable-Based Language Games.’ Poster with Barbara Vogt at the 23rd Manchester Phonology Meeting, 28-30 May 2015.

‘Crazy Rules and Grounded Constraints’ Talk with Joe Collins at the 51st annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 23-25 April 2015.

‘Metaphonic chain shifts, vowel height, and markedness in Italian dialects’ Talk at California State University Fresno, 9 April 2015.

‘Coda Markedness and opportunistic nasals.’ Talk with Draga Zec at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 30 March 2015.

‘Crazy Rules and Local Conjunctions.’ Talk at University of California Santa Cruz, 17 March 2015.

‘Issues in the Acquisition of Phonology.’ Talk at the LAMBA kick-off meeting, Riga, 13 March 2015. (Norway Grants project The Latvian Language in Monolingual and Bilingual Acquisition)

‘Complex onsets, coda restrictions, and wug phonology in Persian.’ Talk at University of California Santa Cruz, 23 January 2015.

‘Word-initial consonant clusters and coda markedness in Persian.’ Lab talk, Phonetics Lab, Cornell University, 13 June 2014.

‘Coda markedness and coerced weight.’ Talk with Draga Zec at the 22nd Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester,  29-31 May 2014.

‘An Amphichronic Look at Palatalization and Gliding in Italian.’ Invited talk, University of Edinburgh, 20 February 2014.

‘How the Lexicon and Phonology Change in Interaction. A Selective Look at the History of Italian.’ Invited talk at the 40th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Trento, 13-15 February 2014.

‘Vowel Epenthesis in Persian, and the Coda Condition.’ Talk at OCP 11, Leiden & Amsterdam, 22-25 January 2014.

‘Unnatural Rules and Local Conjunctions in Grounded Phonology.’ Talk with Joe Collins at OCP 11, Leiden & Amsterdam, 22-25 January 2014.

‘Weight-by-Position and Coda Conditions.’ Talk at the CUNY Phonology Forum on Weight in Phonology and Phonetics, New York, 17 & 18 January 2014.

‘English nasalized vowels and abstract underlying representations in Optimality Theory.’ Talk given at the workshop ‘Abstractness in phonology’ at the 25th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, Reykjavík, 13-15 May 2013.

‘The central role of the syllable in the analysis of language games.’ Talk with Barbara Vogt at ‘The Syllable: State of the Art and Perspectives’, Pescara, 11-13 April 2013.

‘Learning abstract underlying representations.’ Talk at the Riga-Tromsø Acquisition Workshop, Tromsø, 10 April 2013.

‘English nasalized vowels, Lexicon Optimization, and the nature of OT constraints.’ Talk at WCSEL-1, Seoul, South-Korea, 26-30 June 2012.

‘Espilit vowel epenthesis in Farsi as a Coda Condition effect.’ Poster presented at the 20th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester,  24-26 May 2012.

‘Generating economy in the phonological lexicon of English.’ Universität Stuttgart, 23 January 2012.

‘Optimizing Lexicon Optimization.’ Talk given at OCP8, Marrakech, Morocco, 19-22 January 2011.

‘The Semantics of Phonological Features.’ Talk given at the 18th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, 20-22 May 2010.

‘The stuff of features.’ Talk given at the Toronto Tromsø Phonology Workshop, University of Toronto, 9-11 October 2009.

‘Hypercorrection and underlying representation.’ Talk given at the GLOW 32 Workshop ‘The Lexicon – if any’, Nantes, 15 April 2009.

‘Br[eə]king news: Microvariation in Northern Irish derived contrasts.’ Talk given at the University of Ulster at Jordanstown, Northern Ireland, 26 January 2009.

‘English vowel tensing: The distribution of long and short vowels in Belfast.’ Poster presented at OCP6, University of Edinburgh, 22-24 January 2009.

Olga Tihonova & Martin Krämer ‘Canadian raising and flapping in OT-CC.’ Talk presented at OCP6, University of Edinburgh, 22-24 January 2009.

‘When Romans lose their heads.’ Talk presented at the CUNY Conference on the foot, CUNY Graduate Center, New York City, 15-17 January 2009.

‘Long-term phonological variation and change in Optimality Theory: From Latin to Modern Italian.’ Talk presented at the Nordic Language Variation Network Research Training Seminar organised by Gjert Kristoffersen, 12-16 June 2008, Flåm, Norway.

‘Taking a free ride can cau[r]se severe hyperrhoticity.’ Talk presented at the 16th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 22-24 May 2008, Manchester.

‘Variation in counterfeeding opacity: Northern Irish derived contrasts reloaded.’ Talk presented at ICLCE 2, 02-04 July 2007, Toulouse.

‘Return of  the Living Dead: Attack of the Ghost Foot.’ Talk presented at the 15th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 23-25 May 2007, Manchester.

‘Crypto-variation and the phonology-lexicon interface in Italian velar palatalisation.’ Talk presented at LSRL 37, 15-18 March 2007, University of Pittsburgh.

‘Hidden variation.’ Talk presented at the Sound Circle, 8 March 2007,  Universiteit van Amsterdam.

‘Italian Nonsense Word Stress.’ Talk presented at Going Romance 20, 7-8 December 2006, The Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam.

‘What kind of species are Italian glides?’ Talk presented at the workshop “Phonological Bases of Phonological Features”, 28-29 September 2006, CASTL, Tromsø.

‘Italian velar palatalisation: Into the phonology or into the lexicon?’ Talk presented at the 14th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 25-27 May 2006, Manchester.

‘The emergence of the comparatively unmarked.’ Talk presented at WCCFL 25, 28-30 April 2006, Seattle, WA.

‘German glottal stop and other aliens in the light of comparative markedness.’ Talk given at the XVI Coloquio de Gramática Generativa, 20-22 April 2006, Madrid.

Dafna Graf and Martin Krämer ‘Syncope, opacity and maximal word size in Modern Hebrew.’ Poster presented at OCP3, 17-19 January 2006, Budapest.

‘Variation of laryngeal contrast in French and Italian fricatives.’ Talk at the conference ‘Phonological Variation: The Case of French’, 25-27 August 2005, Tromsø.

‘How crazy is English r insertion?’ Talk presented at the Workshop on ‘Crazy Rules and Lexical exceptions’ at ICLaVE 3, 24 June 2005, Amsterdam.

Dafna Graf and Martin Krämer ‘Resisting Syncope.’ Talk at the 13th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 26-28 May 2005, Manchester, U.K.

‘Curing a cold with antibiotics? English preliquid schwa insertion and phonological opacity.’ Talk at CLS41 (annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society), 07-09 April 2005, Chicago.

‘Much ado about nothing? English r and phonological opacity.’ Talk given at OCP2 (The Old World Conference in Phonology), University of Tromsø, 20-22 January 2005.

‘Optimal Underlying Representations.’ Poster presentation at NELS35, University of Connecticut, Storrs, 22-24 October 2004.

‘Lexical economy, optimization and the indeterminacy of underlying representations.’ Talk presented at the ULCL workshop ‘The Lexicon in Optimality Theory’, 11 June 2004, Leiden.

Victoria Kingsley O’Hagan & Martin Krämer ‘The realisation of Irish initial consonant mutations by L2 learners and the universal markedness hierarchy of place features.’ Talk presented at the LAGB Meeting at the University of Surrey Roehampton, 30 August – 2 September 2004, and the 12th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 20-22 May 2004, Manchester, U.K.

‘Affricates and the phonetic implementation of laryngeal contrast in Italian.’ Talk given at the Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, 25-27 February 2004, Mainz.

‘Lexical economy and Optimality.’ Talk given at the Jordanstown Communication and Linguistics Days, 26 & 27 June 2003, University of Ulster at Jordanstown.

‘A hidden geminate and phonological opacity in Veneto Italian.’ Talk given at the 11th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 22-24 May 2003, Manchester, U.K.

‘The last consonant.’ Talk presented at the LAGB Spring Meeting, 14-16 April 2003, Sheffield, U.K.

‘The mysterious fate of the coronal fricative in Veneto Italian – Opacity and Lexicon Optimization in conflict?’ Talk presented at the XXIX Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, 12-14 February 2003, Urbino, Italy.

‘The root-affix metaconstraint and its reversal in vowel harmony.’ Talk given at the 10th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 23-25 May 2002, Manchester, U.K.

‘Dialectal variation of Italian s-voicing as constraint interaction.’ Talk given at the 25th GLOW Colloquium, 9-11 April 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

‘Vowel transparency as balance.’ Talk given at the 19th SCL, 10-12 January 2002, Universitetet i Tromsø, Norway.

‘The naughty behaviour of affix vowels in Fula vowel harmony.’ Talk given at the SFB conference ‘The Lexicon in Linguistic Theory’, 22-24 August 2001, Düsseldorf,
and at the ‘Jordanstown Linguistics Days’, 26-27 April 2001, University of Ulster at Jordanstown, Northern Ireland.

‘Transparency as balance – another look at a notorious problem in the description of vowel harmony.’ Talk given at the 24th GLOW Colloquium, 8-10 March 2001, Universidade do Minho, Portugal.

‘On stem control and apparent directionality of vowel harmony.’ Talk given at the SFB Kolloquium on phonology, 30 June 2000, BUGH Wuppertal.

‘Local Conjunction and Alignment: Alternatives to Output-Output Correspondence.’ Talk given at the 18th SCL (Scandinavian Conference on Linguistics), 18-20 May 2000, Lund University,
and at the LAGB spring meeting 06-08 April 2000, University College London.

‘Onsetvoicing as a reflex of the Prosodic Word.’ Talk given at the DGfS Jahrestagung ‘Das Wort – Strukturen und Konzepte’, 01-03 March 2000,  Philipps-Universität, Marburg.

‘Obstruentvoicing in derived environments.’ Talk given at the  HIL Seminar, 03 November 1999, Leiden University, and at the ZAS workshop on ‘Laryngeals’, 17 July 1999, ZAS Berlin.

‘Positional faithfulness, positional markedness and underlying laryngeal features: the case of Breton voicing alternations.’ Talk given at the 7th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 13-15 May 1999, University of Manchester, U.K.

‘Hat das Yukatekische wirklich einen gespaltenen Ergativ? Vortrag im Workshop ‘Neue Perspektiven aus der Linguistik des Yukateko’ auf dem ‘II. Mesoamerikanistischen Symposium’, 09.-11. April 1999, Universität Bremen.

‘A Correspondence Approach to Vowel Harmony and Disharmony. On the Role of Consonants and grammatical Categories.’ Talk given at ConSOLE 7 (Conference of the Students’ Organization of Linguistics in Europe),  09-12 December 1998, University of Bergen, Norway.

Janet Grijzenhout & Martin Krämer ‘Final Devoicing and Voicing Assimilation in Dutch: The Interaction of Alignment and Featural Identity.’ Talk given at the International Conference of the SFB 282 ‘Lexicon in Focus’, 17-19 August 1998,  Wuppertal, Germany.

‘A Correspondence Approach to Vowel Harmony and Disharmony.’ Poster presented at the International Conference ‘Lexicon in Focus’, 17-19 August 1998, Wuppertal, Germany.

‘Faithfulness and Identity in Dutch Voicing Assimilation and Final Devoicing.’ Talk given at the SFB-Kolloquium ‘Phonological Features and Domains’, 05 June 1998, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf.

‘Vowel Harmony and Disharmony under Correspondence.’ Poster presented at the 6th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 21-23 May 1998 University of Manchester, U.K.

‘Argument-Linking im Yukatekischen – Ein Typologenalptraum.’ Vortrag beim Mitarbeitertreffen der SFBs 282, 340, 471, 18. November 1997, Solingen.

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