My publications since 2003 are also registered in (click here).
Krämer, Martin, Chris Golston, Barbara Maria Vogt. In press. The Emergence of the *ed in word (De-)Formation. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 24, 1-25.
Krämer, Martin. 2024. Prokaryotic syllables and excrescent vowels in two Yuman languages. In Ji Yea Kim, Veronica Miatto, Andrea Petrovic, Lori Repetti (eds.) Epenthesis and Beyond. Language Science Press. 225-246.
Krämer, Martin 2024. Non-alternating, non-participating, and idiosyncratic vowels. Chapter 21 in Nancy Ritter & Harry van der Hulst (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony. Oxford University Press. 244-268.
Downing, Laura & Martin Krämer 2024. Phrasal Vowel Harmony. Chapter 20 in Nancy Ritter & Harry van der Hulst (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony. Oxford University Press. 236-243.
Tanja Kupisch, Tammer Castro, Martin Krämer & Marit Westergaard 2024. Phonological influence in bilectal speakers of Brazilian and European Portuguese. International Journal of Bilingualism 28.3: 406-423.
Krämer, Martin & Björn Lundquist 2023. The Phonetics and Phonology of Secondary Stress in Latvian. Linguistica Lettica 32: 446-475.
Krämer, Martin 2022. The interaction of tone, weight, and stress in Latvian. In NELS 52: Proceedings of the 52nd annual meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, ed. by Özge Bakay, Breanna Pratley, Eva Neu & Peyton Deal, vol. 2, pp. 173-188, GLSA Publications
Krämer, Martin 2022. Word-initial sibilants and prenuclear syllable structure. Phonological Studies 25: 147-148.
Downing, Laura J. & Krämer, Martin 2022. Domains and directionality in Kinande vowel harmony: a Correspondence approach, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7(1). doi:
Krämer, Martin 2022. Italian. In Gabriel, Christoph / Gess, Randall / Meisenburg, Trudel (eds.), Manual of Romance Phonetics and Phonology. Berlin: De Gruyter. 559-596.
Krämer, Martin 2021. Complex onsets and coda markedness in Persian. In Islam Youssef & Miguel Vásquez-Larruscaín (eds.) Selected papers from the fifth Fonologi i Norden Meeting, Nordlyd 45: 95-118.
Golston, Chris & Martin Krämer 2020. Diphthongs are micro-feet: Prominence and sonority in the nucleus. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting on Phonology 2019. LSA Publications.
Krämer, Martin & Draga Zec 2020. Nasal consonants, sonority, and syllable phonotactics: the dual nasal hypothesis. Phonology 37.1: 27-63. doi:10.1017/S0952675720000032
Fábregas, Antonio & Martin Krämer 2020. Why prefixes (almost) never participate in vowel harmony. Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 2.1: 84-111.
Krämer, Martin 2019. Is vowel nasalisation phonological in English? A systematic review. English Language and Linguistics 23.2: 405-437. doi:10.1017/S1360674317000442
Krämer, Martin 2018. The perfect word in Italian. Or fruit salad matters. In Ryan Bennett, Andrew Angeles, Adrian Brasoveanu, Dhyana Buckley, Nick Kalivoda, Shigeto Kawahara, Grant McGuire, Jaye Padgett (eds.) Hana-Bana (花々). A Festschrift for Junko Itô and Armin Mester, Santa Cruz; CA, University of California.
Antonio Fábregas, Martin Krämer & Anna Vulane 2018. Exceptional stress assignment in Latvian. The case of prefixes. Journal of Baltic Studies 49.4: 529-552.
Nazarré Merchant & Martin Krämer 2018. The Holographic Principle: Typological analysis using lower dimensions. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting on Phonology 2017, LSA.
Krämer, Martin 2018. Current issues and directions in Optimality Theory — Constraints and their interaction. In S.J. Hannahs & Anna Bosch (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Phonological Theory. 37–67.
Krämer, Martin, & Barbara Vogt 2018. Alignment and locality in the typology of affixing language games. The Linguistic Review 35.1: 83-120.
Olga Urek, Roberts Darģis, Martin Krämer, & Dace Markus 2017. Articulation accuracy in monolingual Latvian-speaking preschoolers: Results of a large-scale population study. Linguistica Lettica 25.
Krämer, Martin, & Olga Urek (eds.) 2016. Palatalization. Special Collection in Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 1(1)
Krämer, Martin, & Olga Urek 2016. Perspectives on palatalization. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 1(1), 31. DOI:
Krämer, Martin 2016. Variation and change in Italian phonology: On the mutual dependence of grammar and lexicon in Optimality Theory. In Ermenegildo Bidese, Federica Cognola & Manuela Caterina Moroni (eds.), Theoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Linguistik aktuell/Linguistics Today 234). 205–236.
doi 10.1075/la.234.08kra
Krämer, Martin 2016. Metaphonic chain shifts, vowel height and markedness. In Francesc Torres-Tamarit, Kathrin Linke & Marc van Oostendorp (eds.), Approaches to Metaphony in the Languages of Italy. Phonology and Phonetics 20. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 277–299.
Collins, Joe & Martin Krämer 2016. Crazy rules and grounded constraints. Proceedings of CLS 51 (2015), 99-113. Chicago Linguistic Society.
Krämer, Martin & Olga Urek (eds.) 2015. Special Issue on Palatalization. Nordlyd 42.
Krämer, Martin, Sandra Ronai, Peter Svenonius (eds.) 2014. ‘Features.’ Special double issue of Nordlyd 41.1 and 41.2.
Fábregas, Antonio, Martin Krämer & Thomas McFadden (eds.) 2014. Exponence. Special issue of Lingue e Linguaggio.
Fábregas, Antonio, Martin Krämer & Thomas McFadden 2014. On the representation and selection of exponents. Lingue e Linguaggio 1/2014: 3–22.
Blaho, Sylvia, Martin Krämer & Bruce Morén-Duolljá (eds.) 2013. ‘A Festschrift on the occasion of X years of CASTL phonology and Curt Rice’s Lth birthday.’ Nordlyd XL.1
Krämer, Martin & Barbara Vogt 2013. On the (in)fissibility of intervocalic consonants in Norwegian and German: Evidence from a word game. Nordlyd 40.1: 136–165.
Krämer, Martin 2012. Underlying Representations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Krämer, Martin 2010. Review of John J. McCarthy (2007). Hidden Generalizations. Phonological Opacity in Optimality Theory. London: Equinox. Language 86: 969-972.
Krämer, Martin 2010. Review of Mark Hale & Charles Reiss (2008). The Phonological Enterprise. Oxford University Press. Lingua 120:176-182.
Krämer, Martin 2009. The Phonology of Italian. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Krämer, Martin 2009. ‘Cryptovariation in Italian velar palatalisation.’ In Pascual J. Masullo, Erin O’Rourke, and Chia-Hui Huang (eds.) Romance Linguistics: Structures, Interfaces, and Microparametric Variation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 193-208.
Krämer, Martin 2009. ‘Main stress in Italian nonce nouns.’ In D. Torck, and W. L. Wetzels (eds.). Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2006. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 127-141.
Krämer, Martin 2008. ‘English schwa insertion before liquids and phonological opacity.’ Proceedings of CLS 41.1:267-282.
Blaho, Sylvia, Patrik Bye and Martin Krämer 2007. ‘Freedom of Analysis?’ In Sylvia Blaho, Patrik Bye and Martin Krämer (eds.). Freedom of Analysis? Studies in Generative Grammar 95. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 1-10.
Blaho, Sylvia, Patrik Bye and Martin Krämer (eds.) 2007. Freedom of Analysis? Studies in Generative Grammar 95. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Krämer, Martin 2006. ‘The Emergence of the Comparatively Unmarked.’ In Proceedings of the 25th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. Donald Baumer, David Montero, and Michael Scanlon, 236-244. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Titterington, Jill, Alison Henry, Martin Krämer, Joe G. Toner & Mike Stevenson 2006. ‘An investigation of weak syllable processing in deaf children.’ In Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 20. 249-269.
Krämer, Martin 2006. ‘Optimal underlying representations.’ In Leah Bateman and Cherlon Ussery (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. Amherst, MA: GLSA Publications. 351-365.
Krämer, Martin 2005. ‘Contiguity and non-derived environment blocking of s-voicing in Lombardian and Tuscan Italian.’ Probus 17.2. 227-251.
Krämer, Martin 2004. ‘Review of Wolfgang Kehrein (2002). “Phonological Representation and Phonetic Phasing. Affricates and Laryngeals.” Tübingen: Niemeyer.’ Linguistische Berichte 199. 361-369.
Krämer, Martin 2003. ‘Vowel Harmony and Correspondence Theory.’ Studies in Generative Grammar 66. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Krämer, Martin 2003. ‘Intervocalic s-voicing, geminates and the Richness of the Base in Veneto Italian.’ Rivista di Grammatica Generativa 28. 71-85.
Krämer, Martin (ed.) 2003. Belfast Working Papers in Language and Linguistics 16. Papers from the Jordanstown Communication and Linguistics Days. University of Ulster.
Krämer, Martin 2002. ‘Local constraint conjunction and neutral vowels in Finnish harmony.’ In Karen Brunger (ed.) Belfast Working Papers in Language and Linguistics Vol. 15. University of Ulster. pp. 38-64.
Krämer, Martin 2002. Review of Richard Wiese (2000) ‘The Phonology of German.’ Oxford: Oxford University Press. Journal of Linguistics 38-3, pp. 703-708.
Krämer, Martin 2001. ‘Yucatec Maya Vowel Alternations – Harmony as Syntagmatic Identity.’ Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 20:2, pp. 175-217.
Krämer, Martin 2001. ‘On Obstruent Voicing in Breton, German, and Italian.’ In Arthur Holmer, Jan-Olof Svantesson & Åke Viberg (eds.). Proceedings of the 18th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. Travaux de l’Institut de Linguistique de Lund. Lund: Lund University Press. pp. 39-55.
Krämer, Martin 2000. ‘Voicing alternations and underlying representations: the case of Breton.’ Lingua 110:9, pp. 639-663.
Grijzenhout, Janet & Martin Krämer 2000. ‘Final devoicing and voicing assimilation in Dutch derivation and cliticization.’ In Barbara Stiebels & Dieter Wunderlich (eds.). Lexicon in Focus. studia grammatica 45. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 55-82.
Krämer, Martin 1999. ‘On the role of prosodic and morphological categories in vowel harmony and disharmony. A correspondence approach.’ In Tina Cambier-Langeveld, Anikó Lipták, Michael Redford & Erik Jan van der Torre (eds.) Proceedings of ConSOLE-7. Leiden: SOLE, pp. 183-199.
Krämer, Martin & Dieter Wunderlich 1999. ‘Transitivity Alternations in Yucatec, and the Correlation between Aspect and Argument Roles.’ Linguistics 37:3 1999, pp. 431-479.
Krämer, Martin 1998. ‘A Correspondence Approach to Vowel Harmony and Disharmony.’ SFB 282 Working Paper Nr. 107. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
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