CV for Liv Lundberg (eng)

Cv for Liv Lundberg

post address: HumFak, UIT, 9037 Tromsø, Norway

tel: +47 77 64 64 88 (office)

+47 97 07 56 77 (mobile)



Born 1944 in Bardu, Northern Norway

Received income grant as an author from the Norwegian Cultural Dept. since 1983


Published books:


Den klare tonen (The Clear Tone), poems 1979

Hjerterspeil (Mirror of Hearts) ” 1981

Språkets hus har åpninger (The House of Language has openings) ” 1982

Steindrømt (Stone dreamed) ” 1985

Lady Lazarus (selection and translation of Sylvia Plath’s poems) ” 1986

Tveegget engel (Double Edged Angel) ” 1988

Vinterens hjerte (Heart of Winter) novel 1990

Nybegynnerens forutsetningsløshet (Beginner’s Mind) ” 1996

circum polaris (ed.) anthology 1997

Alfabet (Alphabet) translation of Inger Christensen’s poem) 1997

afrika (africa) poems 1998

Iverksatt (Works) ” 1999

Harlekins hud (Harlequin’s Skin) 2001

Del av en fugl (Part of a bird) selection and translation of Nina Cassian 2002

Røyk og oker (Smoke and Ochre) ” ” ” Ingrid Jonker 2004

Tekstens etiske øyeblikk og andre essays. essays 2005


Individual poems are translated to Swedish, Danish, English, Greek, Macedonian, Malay, Chineese, German, Slovak, French, Bulgarian, Lithuanian.

Participation in Poetry Readings in Sweden, Denmark, Faroye Islands, Iceland, Ireland, Estonia, Macedonia, Malaysia, South Africa, Germany, Lithuania.


Other productions:

“An Angel in Brutalia” 1990, Opus for soprano and piano with composer Gunnar Germeten.

With musicians and dancer: Performance, touring the National Concerts,1986-88

Poetry-Images television production, 1990, with film director Knut Erik Jensen

With Bernt Simen Lund (cello) performance (50 min) from ”Works”, 2003 – 2006


Other work – experiences:


Art Director of The Creative Writing Workshop at University of Tromsø, 1993 –

Member of International Comittee of Norwegian Author’s Union since 2001 – 03

Leader of the Regional writer’s organization of Northern Norway, 1981-83, 1990-91

Member of the Literary Council of Norwegian Author’s Union and 1983-86, 2006 –

Chair of Board of ORDKALOTTEN – Tromso international literary festival 2005-06

Studies in History of Ideas, Nordic Language and Literature, Antrophology.

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